Darning clothes is a useful solution when our favorite sock or dress is slightly worn or torn. Since we like it very much, or because it is in a good condition, we do not want to miss it.
Darning clothes is a very simple skill. If you know how to darn clothes, you will save you a lot of money and you can extend the useful life of your clothes and socks. For this reason, in this article, we tried to collect principles and tips that will help you to darn your clothes.
Darning clothes such as darning the trouser fabric and using a piece of fabric which is similar in terms of color and material are current methods of repairing the trouser fabric by darning needles depending on the type and extent of the tear.
Surely, it is happened to you that your trouser or your children trouser is torn due to falling, burns and other cases. In this case, methods such as darning and sewing patches in the torn part of the trouser can be used for repairing the torn area of the trouser. This article gives you a brief overview on darning and the correct method of patching for repairing a torn trouser.
Darning Trouser Tears by Darning Needles
Very small holes and pores created in the fabric of the trouser can be repaired and removed by darning the clothes. To do this, a darning needle and an appropriate thread must be used for fixing small tears available in the trouser.
Darning Trouser Holes
To repair a torn trouser caused by perforation, you should first smooth the perforation area with scissors. Then, you must sew from the back of the fabric by a new thread and a darning needle, pass these yarns from the top and under the edges. Notice that you must consider not only the hole itself, but also some of the fabric.
Darning Thin Sections of the Trouser
To repair thin sections of a torn trouser, you should sew the backside of the fabric and around the thinned section with small stitches along the fabric; then do crenulated stitches. This should be done in such a way that it be invisible from in front of the trouser.
Repairing Large Tears in the Trouser by Patching
Patching can be used repairing the tear of the trouser caused by large holes with irregular margins in the trouser. In order to patch the tear of the trouser, a fabric should be selected which is completely in harmony with the material and color of the trouser. Old and unusable clothes are a good options for this purpose. If you did not find such clothes with the desired fabric, you could use the trouser pocket for this purpose.
Important Points for Sewing Trouser Patch
When you start sewing the patched fabric to repair the trouser tear, you must ensure that the patch is carefully placed on the torn section. For this purpose, you can fix the patch with a needle or pin before sewing. It is better to iron the trouser and the patch before repairing the trouser tear. You can use a sewing machine or a darning needle and thread to sew patched fabric. To strengthen it, you can sew the patched fabric two or three times. At the end of repairing the trouser tear, cut the extra threads.
Panaxmart website, the best online sewing accessories shop in Dubai, provides haberdashery products such as tailoring accessories, matsuno glass beads, beads organizers, sewing accessories, darning needles, buttons, brooches and ostrich feathers.
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